Asphalt Contractor magazine January 2023 edition features the Minnesota DOT Office of Materials & Road Research supporting local agencies with the Delta Mist penetrating asphalt spray rejuvenator application to monitor the program benefits of an early intervention pavement preservation treatment that also promotes human and environmental safety…
FP2 Inc. profiles contractor Pavement Restorations Inc. of Milan, Tennessee in the Pavement Preservation Journal Winter 2022 quarterly edition outlining the preservation toolbox custom approach to serving government transportation agencies in the management of pavement assets…
The National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University is sponsoring monthly webinars featuring their test track field research to implementation topics. The webinars are conducted the third Thursday of each month from 10:00 until 11:00 Central Time. The sessions are free to the staff of the NCAT test track sponsors and the staff of the supporters of the MnROAD-NCAT pavement research partnership.
Please Click Here to Register for the Webinars with Dr. R. Buzz Powell, P.E. as Your Host
The National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) in concert with the acknowledged NAPA member sponsors of The Road Forward campaign for net zero carbon emissions publishes in June 2022 the industry’s first-ever report covering the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventory of asphalt mix production for the years 2009-2019…
The island municipality of Nantucket, Massachusetts surface treats asphalt pavement bike paths with plant-based, Delta Mist penetrating asphalt spray rejuvenator which promotes human and environmental safety in DPW operations as featured in the June 2022 edition of New England Construction magazine…
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation sponsors the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) in the management of a recycling use and warm mix asphalt use survey covering the 2020 construction year for asphalt pavements…
The plant-based, liquid Delta S asphalt rejuvenator and WMA chemistry is used as one example of the available technologies that can help to achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions for asphalt pavements in an article appearing in the Asphalt Pavement magazine March/April 2022 edition published by the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA)…
FP2, Inc. features the National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) field study of asphalt spray rejuvenators managed by MnROAD with an article published in the Pavement Preservation Journal Spring 2022 quarterly edition…
Brief interview with Dr. John Warner, founder of the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry published by the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) in their Asphalt Pavement magazine January/February 2022 edition courtesy of Bill Rowan, Director of Communications & Marketing…
Asphalt Contractor magazine December 2021 edition features NCAT sustainable asphalt field research at their Opelika, Alabama test track (off-ramp) utilizing asphalt rejuvenator chemicals dosing 100% RAP content cold-mix asphalt pavement designs…
MnROAD-NCAT performance report update on the two Delta S asphalt rejuvenator dosed field research pavement sections from 2016 construction in Pease, Minnesota courtesy of Ed Johnson, Minnesota DOT Office of Materials and Road Research…
AASHTO National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) tests plant-based, liquid Delta S as a warm-mix asphalt chemistry…
National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) at Auburn University publishes the 2018-2021 test track report summarizing the pavement performance results of the hosted test track sections…
The National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University in Alabama (NCAT) hosts a 6/14/2021 webinar on test track section North 7 researching the Delta S asphalt rejuvenator product during the 2015 and 2018 research cycles
(click on image below to view 60 minute video)…

Tennessee county and DOT officials are monitoring the pavement performance of plant-based Delta Mist penetrating asphalt rejuvenator documented by the Pavement Preservation Journal Summer 2021 quarterly edition…
The Minnesota DOT accomplished 48% RAP content surface paving on TH-95 during summer 2020 construction as part of a multi-year, asphalt rejuvenator field research program covered by Asphalt Pavement magazine’s May/June 2021 edition published by the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA)…
Woodstock, Connecticut municipal officials embrace “the right application on the right road at the right time” pavement preservation philosophy as part of their pavement management program featured by FP2, Inc. in the Pavement Preservation Journal Spring 2021 edition…
Asphalt Contractor magazine December 2020 edition covers the Vernon, Connecticut DPW introduction of plant based, Delta Mist penetrating asphalt rejuvenator to their early stage, pavement preservation strategies…
Bartow, Florida DPW introduces plant-based, Delta Mist penetrating asphalt rejuvenator for potential use as a standard pavement preservation surface treatment documented in the Fall 2020 edition of FP2’s Pavement Preservation Journal…
The October 2020 edition of New England Construction magazine features two Massachusetts municipal DPWs employing plant based, spray applied, Delta Mist penetrating asphalt rejuvenator as an early pavement preservation strategy…
NAPA’s Asphalt Pavement May/June 2020 magazine edition documents MNDOT field installation of Green Chemistry Delta S dosed, 48% RAP content surface paving on TH 95…
Putnam, Connecticut Highway Department’s search for engineered asphalt pavement products safe for humans and the environment leads to a Delta Mist penetrating asphalt spray rejuvenator application documented in the PreservationPro supplement May 2020 edition…
Lexington, Massachusetts DPW applies Delta Mist penetrating asphalt rejuvenator on residential pavements to measure service life extension success using a plant based chemistry safe for human health and the environment…
October 2019 edition of Western Builder magazine features Minnesota DOT penetrating asphalt spray rejuvenator applications with local agencies…
August 2019 edition of Dixie Contractor magazine features Georgia DOT, NCAT and C.W. Matthews partner for 50% RAP content surface paving in Metro Atlanta…
AsphaltPro magazine July 2019 edition documents City Of Des Moines, Iowa conserving and then conditioning stockpiled RAP with emulsified asphalt grade CSS-1 and Delta S for patching operations…
Georgia DOT, NCAT and C.W. Matthews partner for 50% RAP content surface paving in Metro Atlanta
(click on image below to view 6 minute video)…

March 2019 edition of AsphaltPro magazine features Mississippi DOT research with spray applied Delta Mist penetrating asphalt rejuvenator on the NCAT test track as part of the 2018 research cycle…
March/April 2018 edition of Asphalt Contractor magazine features ALDOT teaming up with NCAT and Midsouth Paving for December 2017 field research production & paving utilizing Delta S asphalt rejuvenator…Download PDF of Article
Highlighting the Green Chemistry perspectives of Dr. John Warner as presented to a Michigan State University audience on February 13, 2018
(Click on image below to view 6 minute video)…

February 2018 edition of AsphaltPro magazine featuring the Texas DOT-Texas Transportation Institute field research project of asphalt rejuvenators on U.S. 67 in San Angelo…
Hennepin County Public Works and MnDOT materials & road research office execute a field application of Delta S asphalt rejuvenator for paving a 1.5 inches thick, dense graded wearing course containing 35% RAP content documented by NAPA’s Asphalt Pavement magazine May-June 2018 edition…
One inch thick, dense graded surface paving with 40% RAP content by MassDOT District 3 is featured in NAPA’s Asphalt Pavement magazine May-June 2017 edition…
Beyond Benign manages a Green Chemistry outreach event for college students on 2/3/17 in partnership with Collaborative Aggregates and the Warner Babcock Institute
(click on image below to view 4 minute video)…

Western Builder magazine February 2017 edition features the MnROAD and NCAT combined applied research effort on asphalt pavements in Minnesota including preservation strategies…
P.J. Keating Co. (Oldcastle Materials) pavement preservation paving with 40% RAP content in October 2016
(click on image below to view 5 minute video)…

Dr. John Warner presentation on Green Chemistry at the October 2016 MPPC National Meeting. (click on image below to view 36 minute video)…

Dr. John Warner presents on Green Chemistry science at the AASHTO TSP2 2015 Midwest conference in Kansas City, MO (click on image below to view 32 minute video)…

Art AMassed, an exhibit of work by Rebecca Hayes, Miles Hodge, Julianne Jones, Emily Knarr, Matthew Meserve, Athena Parella, Miranda Pellegrino, and Christina Sieben, students at Umass Amherst and Dartmouth. (click on image below to view 3 minute video)…